The Story
My dorm kitchen was improperly maintained by the dorm’s 150 residents, leading the resident assistants to lock the kitchen. I developed a door access device to hold residents accountable by tracking kitchen use. It’s been used for two years now and has over 1,500 logged entries.

Design and Analysis
- 3D printed gear and enclosure.
- Gear ratio chosen to minimize motor wear while keeping unlocking time under 5 seconds.
- Single contact switch with two adjustable limits allows physical range tuning.
- Repairable without removal from door.
- Raspberry Pi Zero running a headless Linux distribution.
- Hobbyist motors, motor controller, and power supply, all under $60.
- Secure tunnel exposes a local server to the internet, allowing it to receive HTTP requests.
- Python script controls the motor.
- Google Form script sends HTTP request when the form is completed.
- Google Sheets dashboard tracks recent uses to hold residents accountable.